5634 S Park Ave, Tacoma 98408
Discover how the healthy, holy fear of God is the key that unlocks a life of intimacy with Him, keeps you from falling, and gives you the power to finish well. Join us as we read through and discuss this book together!
DECEMBER 21ST | 5:00-8:00PM
5634 S Park Ave, Tacoma 98408
Come dressed in your best as we gather together for a meal, games, and dancing! Tickets are $10 per person and can be purchased from Kati Boe on Sunday mornings or via PayPal below.
DECEMBER 24TH | 7:00-8:00PM
5634 S Park Ave, Tacoma 98408
We will be holding a candle light service on Christmas Eve. We invite you to bring your friends and family to join us for this special service to celebrate the birth of our Lord!
DECEMBER 29TH | 6:00-9:00PM
5634 S Park Ave, Tacoma 98408
We invite any youth, grades 6th-12th to join us for a night filled with festive food, gifts from Santa, and caroling!